There Are A Million Reasons I Do "That".
Anyone who is addicted to something "knows" there are at least a million
reasons why they are addicted. This is why it's almost impossible to
figure out where to step on the road to recovery.
The fact is, if you are truly an alcoholic or addict, knowing where to
start can be incredibly simple. Complicated problems often have simple
2 Different Scenarios
We are at a restaurant and I eat cake and promptly tip over and become
unconscious. You call 911. They send an ambulance. The nice people
take me to the hospital, run tests and find out that I am suffering from
diabetes. They ask if I knew I had this condition. I answer with a
resounding no! They then spend time teaching me I need regular exercise,
watch my sugar intake and maybe even put me on insulin. I now understand
I'm diabetic.
Let's revisit the restaurant, but instead of cake, I slam down 4 or 5
shots of whiskey. I tip over and become unconscious. You still call 911.
But, instead of an ambulance, they send a police officer and I get arrested
and thrown into jail. I wake up in jail none the wiser as to why I passed
out when I drank. Since I wake up in jail, I now start believing it's a
moral issue.
The fact is, if you struggle with an addiction, you know how incredibly
vicious the cycle can be. Once you activate the disease process by
engaging in behavior or substance, you can literally feel the physical
craving of the disease itself morph into the mental obsession.
If you can relate to the previous paragraph, chances are you crossed over
into the addiction process. It's not a moral issue. You are not a bad
person that needs to "get" good. You are sick and need to get well.
It's no different than finding out you have diabetes.
This is where you start. You begin here, finally understanding you didn't
do that thing you do because you had a bad day at work, because of who you are
married to, or because you've had a tragic loss. If you are truly addicted,
that is why you keep repeating the vicious cycle.
There is hope. You don't ever have to drink, drug or _______ anymore.
Reach Out Today!